Filming Juice Blog

Today our group started filming! We all had individual jobs and tasks. For the first clip my role was to be the person bumping into Parker so she spilled her drink. We were all in the shot so we had a friend film it. I walked down the stairs and bumped into Parker. After that, my role in the video was over. I was the person behind the camera now. I filmed shots of Maria and Parker interacting, and experimented with different angles and shots. I zoomed in and out and experimented with the best way to capture them both. I filmed the next shot and focused on Maria walking up to Parkers discarded wrapper, and zoomed out as she walked to get them both in frame. After that we filmed a point of view shot from Marias eye view. I stood behind her and held the camera at her eye level so we could see her folding the wrapper. It was fun for me to find the best angle. Throughout all of this filming I was helping with props and planning. I helped with Parkers extra shirt that she spilled on. I also ...