
Showing posts from October, 2021

CCR Questions

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?  The product challenges conventions in the way of translating the message of friendship. Our product, extra gum represents social groups in a simple, wholesome way. Gum can bring people together, despite social backgrounds, and bring a kind message and bring people together. 2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a reliable  media text? The product engages with audiences by leaving a feel good message with the viewers. It shows how simple things like gum can bring people together and tiny acts of kindness can create new friendships. It would be distributed as a reliable media text because of the message it conveys.  3. How did your product ion skills develop through this project? Personally, my production skills developed a lot throughout the course of this project. I mostly learned how to edit with ne...

Final Commercial Blog

Our commercial is finally finished. After about a month of work, we have finally completed our Extra commercial. Overall, I'd say it went really smoothly. Im also quite happy with the way it turned out in the end. Our team worked great together, and overcame any challenges with ease. Finding the songs and editing and filming was all just such a fun process. I learned a lot about the filming process too. It was all very interesting and fun to put together. From the way our group worked to how easily the process came for us. I don't think this could've gone better.

Final Editing Day

Today was the final day of editing for our group. We did run into a few bumps. Mostly with Parkers computer we were originally editing on. The program she was using started malfunctioning, so we had to act fast and edit on a different platform. We ended up deciding on iMovie, because we al have prior experience using it. It was easy to transfer the clips and piece them together in the correct order. We trimmed down the different clips to make sure our video was the desired length. And we also added the final slide, which is a picture usually shown at the end of Extra commercials, for a final touch on the project. After the editing was complete we had to add the song. After some consideration we finally settled on the song Love Lost by the Temper Traps. However instead of the original song, we used an instrumental version. This allowed us to keep the mood we wanted for the commercial. It also let us avoid distracting words. We wanted the commercial to have background music to affect the...

Editing: Finding the Music

Today my group and I started editing our final commercial. Parker mostly took control of the editing, while Maria and I helped assist. While they were editing and piecing together the clips, I tasked myself with finding the music we wanted to use for the background sound in our commercial. It took many websites and playlists. I listened to about 30 songs. Some were clear No's. A lot of songs just didn't fit the theme of the commercial. We were looking for a song that started out calmer, and eventually gained energy and sound. After listing to all of our songs, I narrowed it down to three songs. Everywhere, by Fleetwood Mac. This song is mellow in the beginning, and speeds up and gets happier within the thirty seconds. The other song is Love Lost, by Temper Trap. This song starts out slower as well. It eventually gains more tempo and speed and creates a happier mood. This is the mood we are aiming to create for our viewers. The final contender is, She's a Rainbow. This song ...

Filming Blog

 Today was our groups last day of filming. We had to get the clips for two more scenes to complete the filming for the project. Since my "acting" part was over, I did all of the filming. I filmed the scene where Maria runs up to Parker and gives her the heart shaped wrapper. This was fun to experiment with. Eventually after trial and error we decided on a certain way to get the shot. Parker was slowly walking away in defeat. I would follow her with the camera as she moved. Then as Maria started running behind her I would slow down and back up with the camera while filming. This allowed me to capture them both in frame of the shot so the viewers could see. After perfecting this shot we moved onto the last one. In the last scene Parker opens up the heart note, and reads the inside. To film this, we took two shots. The first one I took a head shot of Parker looking at the heart, and then looking confused. And after this we needed the next angle of Parker opening the note. I deci...