Filming Blog

 Today was our groups last day of filming. We had to get the clips for two more scenes to complete the filming for the project. Since my "acting" part was over, I did all of the filming. I filmed the scene where Maria runs up to Parker and gives her the heart shaped wrapper. This was fun to experiment with. Eventually after trial and error we decided on a certain way to get the shot. Parker was slowly walking away in defeat. I would follow her with the camera as she moved. Then as Maria started running behind her I would slow down and back up with the camera while filming. This allowed me to capture them both in frame of the shot so the viewers could see. After perfecting this shot we moved onto the last one. In the last scene Parker opens up the heart note, and reads the inside. To film this, we took two shots. The first one I took a head shot of Parker looking at the heart, and then looking confused. And after this we needed the next angle of Parker opening the note. I decided to film it from her eye point of view, so we had to adjust to get that angle. I stood behind Parker and held the camera under her eyes so it was right above the wrapper. Then we recorded as she opened it to reveal the message. This shot took a few tries, but eventually we had ones we were happy with. Overall, we got all of our clips done and I'm excited to start editing next class.


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